All A.S.98 bags are entirely designed in Italy where the use of fine leathers, careful tanning techniques and sophisticated craftsmanship make them unique. Each A.S.98 leather bag has a story to tell and expresses the style of a brand with character.
A.S.98 Red Muške Torbe Kaki Boja | HR-92073-MFLU
A.S.98 Vigo Muške Torbe Čokoladne | HR-09456-CEGD
A.S.98 Benaco Muške Torbe Crne | HR-40958-CLJK
A.S.98 Benaco Muške Torbe Kaki Boja | HR-16958-IAGJ
A.S.98 200420 Muške Torbe Sive | HR-47230-UJGB
A.S.98 Vigo Muške Torbe Sive | HR-21875-QYBI
A.S.98 Bardolino Muške Torbe Svijetlo Zelene | HR-23957-GBKH
A.S.98 Vigo Muške Torbe Kaki Boja | HR-48276-BVNI